OFSTED report



This provision is outstanding

Staff use excellent strategies to manage children’s behaviour in a positive and consistent way. Children behave exceptionally well, given their ages and stages of development.

 Leadership and management is excellent. The provider has a clear vision of outstanding teaching and frequently reviews staff practice to ensure that it meets the highest standards. She makes excellent use of staff reviews to identify further training that will have a significant impact on children’s learning and development.

 Staff plan exceptionally high-quality activities tailored specifically to cater for children’s next steps of learning and individual interests. Children make significant progress.

 Overall, the provider’s evaluation of the setting, activities and staff practice is very strong. She gathers the views of parents, staff and children, and uses these highly successfully to drive improvement in the nursery.

 Safeguarding is paramount. The provider has extremely robust procedures in place to ensure all staff are suitable to work with children.